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As part of our 'Online Services' we provide the services to register the Non Governmental and Non Profitable organization under section 35ac of Income Tax Act in India.
Under section 35AC, organizations having income from business or profession can get 100 per cent deduction. Charitable Organizations can get registered themselves if they are carrying on any business.
The Central Government has specified various types of projects of national needs for which Charitable Organizations can take donations.
The approval under section 35(AC) is not permanent in nature.
The National Committee may recommend or reject the project but when the approval is recommended then it is for a period of maximum 3 years and it could be further extended if the National Committee is satisfied with the performance during the period.
The National Committee may withdraw the approval if the project is not carried out in accordance with the approved conditions. To withdraw a project National Committee should provide an opportunity of being heard to the aggrieved organization.
Duly registered organization.
Detailed Project for Charitable purposes*.
Documents and information we need
1. Name, address and status of applicant, the district/ ward circle where assessed/PAN number.
2. Audited Balance Sheet, Profit& Loss Account or Income& Expenditure Account for the latest year and two preceding years.
3. Formation documents like trust deed, rules & regulation, memorandum of association etc. and registration certificate, if any.
4. Name & Addresses of the persons managing the affairs of the association or institution, including those who left the organization but were managing the affairs of the association or institution during the 3 years preceding the date of application.
5. If the association or institution is notified under section 10(23)(C) or is approved for the purposes of section 80G, the particulars of such approval granted.
6. Brief particulars of the activities of the association or institution during 3 years preceding the date of application or since inception if the association or institution is less than 3 years old.
7. Such other information as the association or institution may like to place before the National Committee.8. Signed Authority Letter ( Download It from Here)
*You can use our Document Management Services for this.
Upload your documents at [email protected] or send to our Delhi address for regular services.
Service | Service Fee | Expenses | Completion Time | Order |
35AC Registration | As Estimated | As Per Project | As Estimated | ![]() |